
Command Invoker Pattern with the Open/Closed Principle

Over on DZone, Giorgio Sironi demonstrates the "Open/Closed Principle on real world code". The pattern demonstrated is similar to the Command Pattern, and the post does a good job of introducing a class that is open for extension but closed for modification. Giorgio mentions that there is still more work to be done. I thought I might take a stab at creating a flexible and extendable command invocation solution.

One of the issues that should be addressed is that the invoker (the Session class in the post), is only extensible by actually extending the class. If we want to add custom methods to it, we have two options: make our own sub-class, which should be avoided when favoring composition over inheritance; or modifying the base class's constructor, which violates the open/closed principle.

Another thing that could be improved is that the invoker is violating the Single-Responsibility principle (which violates the "S" in SOLID.) It needs to know not just how to execute commands, but also how to construct them. As the list of available commands grows, and the constructors for each command become more complex, the invoker needs to contain more logic to build each command type.

Let's overcome some of these issues, and also make the code even more extensible. I'll use a simplified command invoker to demonstrate.

To start, let's remove the complexity of requiring the invoker know how to build each command object. A simple way to do this is the move the factory methods into the individual command classes. We'll also define a simple interface to ensure that our commands are executable. Here are two simple commands. Note that the constructor is not part of the interface, which allows the command classes to have completely different constructor method signatures.
interface Command {
 public static function register();

 public function execute();

class HelloCommand implements Command {
 protected $name;

 public static function register() {
  return function ($name) {
   return new HelloCommand($name);

 public function __construct($name) {
  $this->name = $name;

 public function execute() {
  echo "Hello, " . $this->name . "\n";

class PwdCommand implements Command {

 public static function register() {
  return function () {
   return new PwdCommand();

 public function execute() {
  echo "You are here: " . getcwd() . "\n";
Each command class has a static `register` method that returns an anonymous function which knows how to instantiate the class. We'll call this the "factory" function. In the example, the factory function signatures are the same as the constructors, but that is not necessary; as long as the factory function can construct a valid object, it can take whatever parameters it needs.

Our commands can construct themselves, so the invoker only has to know how to map its own method calls to the commands. Here is the simplified Invoker class:
class Invoker {
 protected $commandMap = array();

 public function __construct() {
  $this->register('hello', 'HelloCommand');
  $this->register('pwd', 'PwdCommand');

 public function __call($command, $args) {
  if (!array_key_exists($command, $this->commandMap)) {
   throw new BadMethodCallException("$command is not a registered command");
  $command = call_user_func_array($this->commandMap[$command], $args);

 public function register($command, $commandClass) {
  if (!array_key_exists('Command', class_implements($commandClass))) {
   throw new LogicException("$commandClass does not implement the Command interface");
  $this->commandMap[$command] = $commandClass::register();
The important bit is the `register` method. It checks that the registered class is indeed a Command, and thus, that it will have both an `execute` and a `register` method. We then invoke the `register` method, and store the factory function for that command.

In the magic `__call` method, we have to use `call_user_func_array` since we don't know the real signature of the called factory function. If we wanted, we could have the `__call` method return the command object instead of executing it. That would turn the Invoker into an Abstract Factory for command objects.

The main point is that Invoker never cares exactly how commands are constructed. Invoker now only has one responsibility: invoking commands.

We execute commands by calling Invoker methods with parameters that match the factory function signature of the command being executed:
$invoker = new Invoker();
By making the Invoker's `register` method public, we've also opened up the Invoker to allow a client to extend its functionality without having to modify the Invoker itself:
class CustomCommand implements Command {
 protected $foo;
 protected $bar;

 public static function register() {
  return function ($foo, $bar) {
   return new CustomCommand($foo, $bar);

 public function __construct($foo, $bar) {
  $this->foo = $foo;
  $this->bar = $bar;

 public function execute() {
  echo "What does it all mean? " . ($this->foo + $this->bar) . "\n";

$invoker->register('custom', 'CustomCommand');
$invoker->custom(40, 2);
We can even let clients overwrite existing commands by re-registering with a custom class:
$invoker->register('pwd', 'CustomCommand');
$invoker->pwd(2, 40);
If we don't want to allow this, we can build more checks into `register` that prevent overwriting built-in commands.

So now we have an extendable, flexible command invocation system that requires no modification to the actual command runner. This could also be used as the basis for a plug-in system.

Full sample code is available at http://gist.github.com/1610148


Funkatron's MicroPHP Manifesto

Just saw this over on @funkatron's blog:

The MicroPHP Manifesto:

I am a PHP developer
  • I am not a Zend Framework or Symfony or CakePHP developer
  • I think PHP is complicated enough

I like building small things
  • I like building small things with simple purposes
  • I like to make things that solve problems
  • I like building small things that work together to solve larger problems

I want less code, not more
  • I want to write less code, not more
  • I want to manage less code, not more
  • I want to support less code, not more
  • I need to justify every piece of code I add to a project

I like simple, readable code
  • I want to write code that is easily understood
  • I want code that is easily verifiable

I agree that there are "and-the-kitchen sink" frameworks out there that do too much. I also agree that having every developer re-invent the wheel is not the ideal situation. The main problem I see with the macro-frameworks is that they tend to not allow me to strip out their functionality and replace it with another library when I need to. I much prefer smaller libraries and components that I can mix and match if necessary. Isn't that the whole point of code re-use in the first place?

So maybe this isn't so much about huge frameworks being bad as it is that they should be built off small, interchangeable coponents? Wasn't there a call for more inter-operability a little while back?

Funkatron has made it pretty clear that these are his personal preferences, but that hasn't stopped the haters.